The Stuff You Need To Know To Tell Your Parents

All right, this is where the most important stuff is.

What: A campsite "convention" or Gathering for dragons and fans of said creatures. This is supposed to be a PG type gather, with no alcohol, drugs, or weapons. While we have no control over your behavious, please act like responsable adults and follow all campground policies and laws.

Where: The Great Smokey Mountains National Park is the site of the actual Gather. Some people will likely be driving in, so see if you can hitch a ride with them, or hire a taxi.

Who: Anyone who wants to attend. Since the format change, any and all who can afford to go may go. Your part is to call in at the appropriate time and reserve a campsite for the days of the gather, or how many days you would like to attend. It's advisable to group together with people you know, as that will lower expenses in the long run.

When: The Gather is taking place from the morning of July 14, 2005 to the evening of July 18, 2005. The Gather spans 5 days, so be prepared.

Why: Because I am insane for even thinking of this thing. I starded the idea when I was 19 and still very naive. Now I'm naive *and* panicked. Isn't it great?

How Much: Probably a fair bit. You will need to save up money to cover any air, or ground, faire. You'll need money for food, and for the campsite itself. For example, I (shiari) live in California. It will cost me about $450 to fly out there, round trip. On top of that is food ($150), campsite (approx: $75) and getting to and from the gather (unknown amount for taxi). This is a fair sum of money. I know that upon reading this, most of you will decide on "no, I'm not going" but if you can save up that much you should try.

Remember, you can contact me at: