What did I tell you about pointing at people?

Ahhhh... now for you all to learn proper manners. These rules will once again be gone over at the gathering... and yes, there will be a test. ::grins evilly::

Rule 1:
NO physical abuse. Anyone intentionally harming anyone, or anyTHING, else will be asked to leave.
Rule 2:
Keep swearing down to a minimum. I understand that if you burn yourself on the fire you're likely to swear... but please, don't use it just to use it!
Rule 3:
Conversations held after 10:00 pm absolutely MUST be kept at the whisper level. My last camping trip was marred by some girls in the next campsite who insisted on talking in normal conversational tones until 1 in the morning. Our days are going to be busy so we need to sleep and so do those around us!
Rule 4:
Do not walk through the middle of someone else's campsite, and especially not on the tarp surrounding anyone else's tents! It's just plain rude.
Rule 5:
NO whining. If your tired and sore and don't want to go on a hike or do some other activity go ahead and stay at camp! If you don't like the activities listed on this site, suggest some! Don't arrive at the gathering and say everything we're thinking of doing is boring.
Rule 6:
Clean up after YOURSELF. No one else is going to want to do it. This means washing your own plate and keeping the area around your tent clean. I most certainly am not going to play janitor. I do enough of that at work.
Rule 7:
Respect others personal beliefs! This is supposed to be a friendly gathering. There is to be no slandering of other due to ethnicity or personal belief system.
This means I don't want any christians saying that the pagans are going to hell... nor do I want the pagans saying that the christians are wrong and all prejudiced. The gather is a non-religious organization. We request that participants adhere to this while they are at the gather.